Sunday 8 June 2014

Fraser Island

Hervey Bay - Fraser Coast 
3rd - 11th June 2014

We said farewell to our new made friends at Alex Beach/Mooloolaba and drove for about 4 hours to our next site at Hervey Bay... little did we know that the whole area has lots of little named areas. We are based at Boat Harbour Drive, Scarness. Richard backed the rig on to our designated pitch like a professional. The site is another Top Tourist and once again first class.
Wednesday we ventured out and walked to the local supermarket. An easy walk, with the majority of it on a designated arterial cycle/walkway which enables all the oldies on their mobile machines easy access to virtually everywhere, even the RSL!!
We booked ourselves on to a full day excursion to Fraser Island which left our campsite at 7:00a.m. and returned at 6:30p.m.

It was a very long day but one we are so pleased we did and so well worth the expense!

The water and it is Freshwater is so clear!

 After a walk in the Rain Forest 
our driver to us to 75 mile beach where we sped northwards. Our first stop was the wreck of the SS Maheno. The ship was built in Scotland and has been used in NZ as a cruise ship from Auckland to Sydney then the Japanese bought it for scrap and on its to Japan a cyclone wrecked it.

Further along the beach we were taken to the Pinnacles amazing coloured sand cliffs.

Apparently this beach is one of only two in the world that you are allowed to use as a runway. Two very young and good looking men were taking people on flights over part of the island and the crystal clear sea. Guess who had a flight??? Yes HELEN photographs below!!


Helen's little plane coming into land

Fraser Island is also renowned for the population of around 150 Dingoes that are protected by the Government. These unique animals were taken there by the Asian tree fellers (so we were told). They are virtually pure bred and are classed as wolves not dogs. We were very lucky to see three of them on the beach each in a different area possibly 2 - 3 km apart and very much alone just foraging for some kind of food from the sea! they all look so skinny!!

We carried on back down the beach and stopped for little dip in the beautiful Eli Creek.

Eli Creek

After a beautiful lunch back at Eurong Beach Resort we traveled on to the amazing Lake Mackenzie. This beautiful lake has the most amazing water that is so pure, clear and soft. It is said if you bathe in it everyday your skin will look younger and younger...So again this was one of our must do's!!!
The sun was going by the time we arrived for a dip. But it had to be done.... warmer in the water than out..

Sorry folks no pics of Rich!!!

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