Sunday 29 May 2016

Eyre Peninsular

From Ceduna we moved on to Streaky Bay our first stop on the Eyre Peninsular, this little town is a favourite of many Grey Nomads. The caravan park is owned by the shire/council and when we arrived two couples were re booking for the same time next is very close to town and after setting up we took a walk and found a small town with very little shops and cafes closed, well it is Monday!! Another jetty to walk out on here too, which we duly did. But, tomorrow the Men's shed Engine Museum is open...heee haaa...
We walked back to the caravan into the on coming cold wind... we both noticed how the weather is getting cooler.


Shark proof swimming enclosure

The local petrol station had a small Information area that
included this model of a shark hung from the ceiling 
Our visit to the Men's shed Power House Museum
This place houses hundreds of stationery engines, most of which are in full working order. A small band of volunteers keeps them running. Richard was in his element! 

Another inclement day today it rained in the night too. We had a drive to a peninsular and noticed various sized blocks of land for sale, we always have a look at real estate when we are in a new area. The prices were very reasonable too! But no, this area is too remote for Helen!

The next day Wednesday 4 May we hitched up and made our way to a little place called Elliston. Along the way we wanted to see Murphys Haystacks, these are amazing Rock formations, we took the road up to the area and here was a very nice free camp too.

It is amazing how people on the road tell us their opinions of places and this little town was a no go. we found the exact opposite to what people had said. We had telephoned and made a two night booking, the lady who owned the park was very helpful and informed us of a 12km cliff top drive where we would see various sculptures. After setting up we headed off to explore this drive.
The seas around Elliston were huge, South Australia had been experiencing massive swells recently and they certainly were big!

Wild seas





Thongs sculpture


Monument to a young surfer, tragically lost










Port Lincoln

Port Lincoln was our next stop around the Eyre Peninsula. We had to go there to pick up a new lamp for our bull bar that had got faulty. Richard sorted this out and we went to a nice campsite just north of the town.  We found a Kmart here and bought ourselves a pair of warm jogging pants each, it was becoming quite cold
Little did we know that the name of this town/city is from our home county of Lincolnshire. This coastal area was charted by Matthew Flinders who was born in Donnington, Lincolnshire. Everywhere around here has references to our old home area, Lincolnshire. Louth and Sleaford are names that we came across.
A drive round the bay to Billy Lights Boat ramp saw us in a beautiful residential area where we found a local swimming recreational building. Again blocks of land overlooking the amazing bay were for sale, this is a beautiful area.

Another Jetty

Lovely Jellyfish

Slightly poisonous

A very famous local racehorse

Matthew Flinders

We had noticed the weather was changing and quite fast, our plan to leave the peninsular became apparent we needed to get a move on. Our next stop is going to be Port Augusta but we managed to make Pimba near Woomera!!






1 comment:

  1. Hello guys! Aparently you are having a good time on the road! crapy weather doesn't help much, but at least it's better than in Sydney.. everything is getting flooded in here.
    I wish you safe travels, I really enjoy reading your blog =D
    Warmest hugs (as winter is around the corner)
    Meari (Margaret river neighbour)
